About Me
My name is Crystalyn and I’m a grown up person with a real job and a house and a little family. And that sounds so weird to me! I still feel like a kid most of the time. Hopefully that means I’ll be one of those feisty, young-at-heart old people who go sky diving and stuff. That would be awesome. I am a huge nerd, it’s a little ridiculous. I’m a fan of cheesy scifi movies, anything Spock related, giant plastic glasses, and thrift stores are my best friends. One of these days I’m going to travel the world in a hot air balloon.
I love my family. Shaun and I have been married for seven years and our two little kids are absolute nut cases. We really can’t blame them for their insanity, because they inherited it from us for sure. Sometimes we struggle, but our home is a home of love and laughter. We enjoy spending time outside as a family, are terrible at gardening, and dream of filling our home with wall to wall book shelves.