
Obsessing over… George Alexopoulos. Haha! Ok, that sounds a bit creeper, but I love his artwork!! And I just commissioned him to do a portrait of our family AND I AM SO STINKING EXCITED. His customs are so cute, I seriously can’t wait to see how he draws us. (And look at his Zelda figurines!…

365 Days Outside

365 Days Outside > 283-295

Day 283 The kids love flipping through my watercolor sketch book. They get extra excited when they get to the pages with their own paintings on them. (You can see Flynn’s handiwork in the bottom right photo.) Day 284 Happy Fourth of July! We invited some friends over for some lunch and watery fun. The…

Amethyst Slice

I’ve been having a rough time lately, between tooth aches, crazy kids, stressful work projects and other typical life stuff. This painting idea has been in my head for a while now, and the other night I REALLY needed some art therapy so I curled up in bed and started doodling. It helped quite a…


As She Is

Yesterday when I got home from work, Flynn was still napping and Juniper was in an extra sweet mood. We were sitting at the kitchen table having a snack when I thought to myself, “I want to remember everything about this little girl as she is RIGHT NOW, because all too soon it will be…


A Painting for Katie

Can I just say, I love painting! Seriously, after a rough day there is nothing better than curling up in bed with some watercolors. My sheets might disagree.. They’re a little more colorful now… haha! I am in love with how this particular painting turned out, such a cute little family. I SO need to…



I finished this drawing last week and I’m about to walk out the door to mail it. Between both kids getting sick, and then me getting sick, and then Flynn getting sick AGAIN… it took me forever to finish this one. I’m not very happy with how this turned out, but maybe that’s just my…


Juniper’s Latest Paintings

Juniper and I have been doing quite a bit of painting this week. I’ll say “Here you sit and paint while I clean up the art room a bit”, but I almost always end up sitting and watching her work. She is just so dang entertaining. The other night I taught her how to use…


Oh Dreams…

Disclaimer: I might be the only one who thinks this is funny. So you are probably looking at that image thinking, “What the what??!” Let me explain. The other night I was looking through an old journal, from when Shaun and I were engaged. About a month before our wedding I had a crazy dream,…


{Etsy Love} Random Lovelies

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 I am a sucker for notepads, and this one is particularly sweet. I love love love succulents but I can’t seem to keep them alive. (I can’t keep anything alive actually.) I can’t kill these though! It’s always Awesome Time…