
Finished Painting

I posted a little sneak peek of this painting a while back, so I figured I should probably share the finished piece. There are a lot of fun textural details in this painting that I just couldn’t capture on film. (Can you still say ‘on film’ when it’s a digital camera?) I really like how…


“Link and Zelda and Tardis Party”

I figured since I’m all blogging again and whatnot, I should probably share some pictures from Flynn’s birthday party! Because it was awesome. Just like last year’s party, only with Dr. Who! Shaun and I had a lot of fun planning this party. I mean, a “Link and Zelda and Tardis” party? How could we…


DIY Watercolor Stationary

I have a slight obsession with all things stationary related. I’m not allowed to walk past the notebook section. (My own personal rule, haha!) For years I kept looking for the perfect tiny notepaper for sending along thank you notes when I sell paintings. I bought some blank cards that I really like, but it…


Painting with Juniper

On Friday night, I asked Juniper what she would like to do and she picked ‘paint with Mommy’. (I love when she picks that.) We recently inherited a little white table from my office. It’s supposed to be a coffee table, but we put it in Juniper’s room. She LOVES that little table. It has…


Lunch Break Painting

Here is a little peek at my latest painting. I’m really having fun with this one! (Do I say that about every painting?) I’ve been experimenting with more of a ‘watercolory’ look. Drop a bit of paint here and there and let it go where it wants. I have always admired people who can actually…



I shared an in-progress shot of this painting a couple of weeks ago, and I wasn’t happy with how it was turning out. I thought I should probably post the finished piece. I’m happy to say that I do like it now that it is done. Andrea of Little Fawn Photography recently posted the gifts…


Doodle Girl Pins

I spent pretty much my entire weekend doodling on the living room floor with Juniper. My sister-in-law gave me a copy of Craft-a-Doodle for my birthday and we just got around to playing with it. I love that book! The prompts are fun and Juniper’s doodles make me smile. My favorite part about it though…


Work in Progress

I feel like its been forever since I had a chance to paint. I’m working on this mini right now that will be given as a wedding gift to this cute couple from their photographer. I always love doing commissions for wedding photographers, because their source photos are BEAUTIFUL! And good source photos make me…