Week in Review – Episode 4

There won’t be any week in review photo collage today because I don’t think I’ve taken a single picture all week! I was sick for a couple of days last weekend, and while I was attempting to get some rest, apparently a tornado (named Juniper) came through my house. DISASTER. So I’ve spent most of the week trying to get it back in control. (And then I can’t get sick ever again so we can keep it in control.) Luckily I’ve got some awesome company coming over tomorrow so I have a little motivation.

After this week’s cleanliness disaster, I’ve been left wondering how on earth people do this. I am seriously no good at this whole ‘stay at home’ thing. And it can be depressing, because back when I was working I was awesome at what I did. (And I got paid!) Sometimes I just feel so useless! Can I just throw everything out? The house can’t be a mess if we don’t own anything right? I’ve decided that I just need to think of our apartment as an ongoing craft project. That way maybe I can trick myself into thinking I actually DO have time to be creative.

I do have some awesome ideas for blog posts though! I have a crafty DIY in the works, and some fun creative home projects to share, plus we’ve started getting the little guy’s nursery ready and I can’t wait to share pictures! (Of course, by nursery I mean corner of our bedroom) 

So let’s all hope for a better week this week. ?