My name is Crystalyn, but you already know that. What you MIGHT not know is that I really like my name. I’ve never met another Crystalyn. I know they are out there, and I’m sure they are amazing people, but I hope I never meet one. I once had a dream that I ALMOST met another Crystalyn and I freaked out a little. (In the dream I was at a press conference and there were two notebooks on the table with the name Crystalyn on them, but the other girl hadn’t shown up yet.)
One thing I find particularly amusing about my name, is the many many MANY ways people have misspelled it. Some people get irritated when people can’t spell their name right, I love it. I have a small collection of misspellings, which seems to have been added to quite a bit lately. That just comes with the territory of moving and starting a new job.
So here are a few choice ways to NOT spell my name. I won’t complain if you use any of these, I will probably just chuckle and say “Oh, I love that extra Y in there.”
- Crystal Lyn
- Crysta Lyn
- Crystal Yn
- Chrystalin
- Cristal
- Krystal
- Kristaline
- Kristalyn
- Crystalline
- Chrystal
- Crystilal <- My favorite
- Crystalyn Bryant
This post cracks me up! HAha. I love your name, too! It's so very pretty, and I think it's spelled perfectly just the way it actually is. =)
It went well with your maiden name as well as it goes well with your married name.
Your mom did a good job.