The Comedian 2

We always try to write down the funny things Juniper says, and after last month’s post we’ve been getting a little better at it. I still haven’t written them down IN the notebook I bought specifically for writing them down… We’ll get to that eventually. BUT here are some more of my recent favorites. This kid seriously cracks me up.

Juniper was writing her name and she did the J and then she asked Daddy what letter was next. He said ‘U’ and she asked him what a ‘U’ looks like so he said “Like a smiley face”. She took him quite literally! Then she asked him what the ‘N’ looks like and he said ‘Like an upside down smiley face’ so she drew another ‘U’ and said “Mommy says to turn that frown upside down.”

She wanted Daddy to get her a drink. He told her to get it herself, and she replied “I can’t Daddy, all of mine hurtings are hurt, so they hurt. All of it.”

When I told her to stop throwing my beads all over my craft room, she said quite loudly “I’m feeding mine chickens!!!”

“Please what?”
“Please can I have some more snacks?”
“Yes you may.”
“I’m not may! I’m Juniper!”
“Wow.. You are on a roll tonight baby.”
“I’m not a baby! I’m Juniper!!”

“We can get really lots of these to do with running! And RAINBOWS!” (Said while running around the house like a crazy person. We have no idea what she was talking about.)

“You can talk to him, I’ll just say ‘Hi’ because I’m shy. But you’re not shy Mommy because you’re big. But when you grow up to be a little girl like me, you can be shy too!”

Every night at bedtime, we have this little back and forth “I love you” battle that goes on until Juniper says “enough” and then we say goodnight. (Some nights it last FOREVER haha) Like this:

“I love you”
“I love you”
“I love you”
“I love you”
“I love you”

But a couple of weeks ago, Juniper decided to mix it up a bit completely randomly. So instead, for a week or so, it went more like this:

“I love you”
“I love you”
“I love you”
“I love you”
“I love you”
“Star Wars.”

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