A Drawing for Delia

I am once again feeling like a total creeper today. This is the third time this year that I have randomly drawn a picture for someone out of the blue. “Hey, I thought this picture of your baby was cute, so I drew it.” Yeah, I’m a weirdo.

I’ve said it a million times, sometimes I just see a photograph that is so beautiful that I HAVE to draw it. As was the case with this one. Delia posted this picture of her baby Natalie last month. How adorable is she? And it was a quick drawing since it’s a 5×7. It only took me a couple of lunch breaks to finish, even though I was working on another drawing as well. I love quick projects.

One thought on “A Drawing for Delia

  1. Wow what an amazing drawing, I can't believe this is a "quick sketch"! I saw your comment on the project run& play blog for this round & it resonated with me sooo much, I have no one anywhere close to my age who sews (in fact i get this shocked & weird look when i tell people I sew …. you sewed THAT dress?! like i'm an alien lol) but i'm also going to TRY TRY TRY to sew along this round. Hope to see you on the flicker group etc have a great day!