365 Days Outside > Intermission

This post is making me a little sad, but I suppose it had to happen. I’m going to be taking a break from posting 365 Days Outside updates. Now that I’m working full time and the days aren’t very long, most of the time it is dark by the time I get home. (Which I absolutely hate by the way.) The kids still go outside most days with Dad, but I don’t want to force him to take pictures for me! So until the days start getting a bit longer, we’ll just take a little vacation from the blogging aspect of this challenge. Instead I’m planning on doing one big outside activity each weekend. Just because we enjoy it so much.

Day 246
Last Saturday was unseasonably warm. We spent a good long time playing in an epic leaf pile in our front yard. Daddy wanted to just get rid of the leaves, but we made him let us play in them first. The big tree out front still hasn’t lost it’s leaves, so we will have more giant leaf pile fun when it does!

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