It has been a LONG week. Shaun is training for his new job, so he has been gone pretty much all day every day this week, and there are still two more days of fun. Today was an especially hard day for some reason. So I thought, you know what? I need to bake a cake. So I did. And I felt a little better.
I went with a super simple, quick pumpkin patch cake. I think it turned out cute! (Especially since it took maybe ten minutes to decorate.) I didn’t bother busting out the nice camera for this one since it’s not like the most amazing cake ever, so enjoy some cheesy camera phone shots. (Juniper for one LOVED the pumpkins!)
And I found an amazing pair of Halloween socks at the thrift store today. I guess if you were to go trick or treating as Santa these would work great
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to get back to Dancing with the Stars. I’m pretty hopelessly hooked at this point… Go Ricki!
That girl loves pumpkins. Every where we go "Look! Pumpkins!! MORE pumpkins!!" It's pretty cute. Maybe I should make her a pumpkin costume
She's probably going to wear her Red Fraggle costume from last year!