One of my favorite things about WordPress, is the blog stats page. There is a little section down there that tells you what search terms people have entered to find your page. Sometimes I get some really crazy stuff down there, so I thought it would be fun to share some of them. You know, instead of working on things that I need to get done. Because let’s face it, I am a terrible procrastinator.
man cave curtains
curtains for a man cave
man cave drapes
mancave curtains
curtains for the man cave
curtains for mancave
curtains man cave
unique man cave curtains
man cave curtain material
cave man curtains
vintage star wars curtains
I hope you are happy Jason, the curtains I made you are apparently the most popular thing on my blog. I have to admit, they are pretty awesome. (Mine are cooler though.)
“crystalyn bryan” orlando
This one seems a little stalkerish to me…
pretty colorful cookie
Yes please!
north star lockets
I sure do love lockets, and a north star locket sounds like it would be lovely.
etiquette to wear mother’s engagement ring
Umm… Not sure how this search landed on my page. I kind of wish I could see what page this landed them on.
spock hilarious
vulcan star trek necklace
spock valentine day
I’ve said it before, and I will say it again and again: I LOVE MR. SPOCK.
tutorials diy
Aren’t ALL tutorials DIYs?? I should write a tutorial entitled “How to have someone else do something for you.” Actually that sounds like something that might already exist…
what to do with old drapes
If it’s up to me, put them in a box in the basement and deal with them later.
creative things to do with nail polish
I just used nail polish in a glass etching project! I painted the design onto a glass and then used the glass etching cream, and when that was all done I got the polish off with nail polish remover. It worked pretty well, considering.
tie two candy canes together
Step 1. Get two candy canes. Step 2. Tie them together. It’s really that simple.
plastic hair circle kit with long hand that can turn the pony tail makes different styles of hair
Wow. I don’t remember what those are called, but I totally wanted one when I was 7. Then I realized that you can do the same thing with your fingers… Topsy Tail!!
off to bed i’m gonna prepare for the long day ahead
I am fairly certain this person thought they were updating their Facebook status. It was obviously very late and they didn’t notice they were on Google.
handmade blankets in russian
“?????? ?????? ??????” according to the translation website. (Translated back into English that means “blankets of manual work” haha!)
boys in hats
Well, that was fun. (Maybe I’m the only one who thinks these are funny.) ANYWAY. Unrelated: I am having a hard time tonight because Flynn broke my glass yesterday. Hopefully my semi-blindness isn’t showing too much in this drawing I am working on! Also unrelated: I’ve got a couple of incredibly cute projects to share as soon as I photograph them! Ok, back to being productive…
That's interesting! I don't think my blog gets much traffic at all, and I use blogger, so I don't know what mine would be…
Did you mean your glasses? That Flynn broke :/ If you need cheap glasses try My family orders from them & they are legit! I have herren meaning to order like 7 pairs (they have so many great ones to choose from!), but am missing part of my prescription!
Ha! Yes, I meant glasses. See? I really need new glasses!! I have gotten several pairs from Zenni Optical! I used to have an AWESOME bright red pair. Broke those too
The problem is I need a new prescription so I need to go get one first. And I'm a slacker.
? x 7 = 9? REALLY? Come on! I'm supposed to have a calculator to write on here? *end rant*
Sorry. You know me and math don't exactly get along well.
You are not alone. I also found your search terms to be very interesting!
That response was from Juniper
Sometimes I refresh the page to get an easier question! Ha! The math entertains me. It was the best free spam blocker I could find.
Ha! I just put *grin* into the google bar and it came up with
Great Images in NASA library of images!
That made me smile.
Your responses to the search questions were super fun. I liked the status update one. So glad I stopped by your blog. It put a smile on my face!
I'm glad they made you smile! And I'm glad you decided to stop by too