Daisies – Take 3

Watercolor Silhouette

I just couldn’t settle for the first version of this daisy silhouette that I painted last week. It was too dark and cartoonish looking, and it didn’t look “watercolory” enough for me. So I tried again. I liked the flowers from the second version much better, but the background still wasn’t anything special. The colors were too blah, and the stems still looks too cartoonish. For the third attempt, I decided I wanted the flowers to be bigger and the background to have more colors and be more abstract. I finally love it! Well, I don’t love that top left flower. I screwed that one up, the second version’s looks much nicer. But I’m calling it done so I can finally move on with my life!! (I’m just kidding. Kind of.)

Watercolor Silhouette
Watercolor Silhouette