365 Days Outside


I’m pretty excited about this book I got for Christmas from my sister-in-law. I really don’t think I have to explain to you all how great it is for kids (and adults!) to get outside. Even when it’s cold outside, it just makes our day so much better to get out there. This book is a nice reference, it has a section for each month, with enough season appropriate activities for every day.

So we’ve decided to try and go outside every day this year, at least for a little while. I’ll be posting a summary of our adventures here once a week. Maybe it will inspire you to get outside and enjoy the fresh air more often! I think it’s funny that it’s only the 5th and we already have 6 days. We started a little early :)

Day 1
This was a beautiful day! We ran around in the yard and enjoyed the pretty weather.

Day 2
It was dark by the time we got home (and cold!) but we bundled up, stuck both kids in the stroller, and went for a walk to look at the Christmas lights in our neighborhood. Juniper did NOT want to go home.

Day 3
COLD COLD COLD! We just went out for a quick run around on the back porch.

Day 4
It was too cold to go outside today, so instead we looked out the window with the binoculars I found in our basement.

Day 5
It was a nice day so we went for a walk. I let Juniper decide which way she wanted to go, so of course we went towards any house that still has Christmas lights up!

Day 6
Today was beautiful again. During Flynn’s nap, Juniper and I went outside and had a picnic. Then we went exploring and played in the leaves. We stayed out for more than an hour it was so pretty!

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