New Instagram Paintings


Sometime last December I had a little Instagram contest just for fun. These are the four paintings I did for the winners! I think Instagram photos are my new favorite things to paint.

I still need to get these in the mail. It’s on my very long list of things that I need to do. And that list has gotten ridiculously long, because I have been SO SICK. Seriously, those germs kicked my butt. I’m still recovering but at least I can function now. It might be a while before I can breath again. While I was sick, I sold two more paintings! (And I’ve got one more in the works!) Yay! I’m hoping to get these all packaged up tonight, along with those capes from my birthday party that I still need to ship. And I’m just going to ignore how messy my house is right now.. because I’m feeling super hopeless about that. Being sick suuuuuucks.

One thought on “New Instagram Paintings

  1. SOO in love with mine! I can not wait to see it in person. I hope you are feeling better…We are sick here too :-(