
Nature Made Musical Instruments

I feel like I’ve made a breakthrough with our Go Outside challenge. For a while there it felt like things weren’t as exciting, like the whole project had lost it’s wonder. But last week I found a few websites that are amazing resources. (I’ll share some of them soon!) One website in particular that caught…


365 Days Outside > 179-180

Day 176 Watering the garden today quickly turned into a splash party. Both kids ended up getting soaked, and our watermelons got a good amount of water as well. We even harvested something! A single zucchini. Day 177 Juniper made up a game called “Pingbang” today. Basically, you throw the ball into the bucket. Simple.…


I am a huge advocate for journal writing, or just memory keeping in general. Whether it be a journal, scrapbook, photo album, blog or shoe box full of random papers. Memories are so so important to me. Journals in particular have a special place in my heart, and I feel every single person should keep…

Rain Please? (and a work in progress)

It needs to rain. Seriously. For a week straight, maybe even two. Heck I wouldn’t complain if it rained for a whole month. All of our grass is fried from the constant 100°+ weather, and our yard is starting to look like a desert. (The giant cracks are actually kind of intriguing, they are really deep.)…

Juniper’s Surprise

Shaun and I decided to redecorate Juniper’s room while she was spending the night at her Oma’s house. We thought it would be a fun surprise for her. So when I got home from work on Friday, we went to the store and bought all of the paint and supplies we’d need and as soon…


365 Days Outside > 170-175

Day 170 I kicked Shaun out out of bed bright and early and made him drive across town to buy a bike trailer at a yard sale. It was only $10! I didn’t want someone else to get it first! We took our first family bike trip later that afternoon and both kids had a…