

We had our first out-of-town house guests this week! Our good friends Julie and Dusty, and their ADORABLE little baby Troy, are driving from Florida to Idaho and spent a couple of nights here in Missouri with us. We had so much fun!! We went rock climbing, ate some yummy food, played with the babies, walked around the neighborhood looking at houses for sale (The baked goods offer still stands for if you guys move here!), picked mulberries in our backyard, and stayed up way too late being goofy and laughing.


You know how there are different levels of friends? Like, there are people you are on friendly terms with, and then there are people you love to spend time with, and then there are people you can’t imagine your life without. Well, Julie is about 10 steps above that last ‘friend level’. It was so nice getting to visit, I miss her already. But we are both going to be in Connecticut at the same time for a few days in June, so we’ll get to hang out again soon!!

At one point in the night, after we had tried several times to head to bed without much luck, my husband asked us if we remembered Furbies. That of course set us off on yet another trip down memory lane. Then he said “You remember how they were activated by motion and sound, and if you put two of them right in front of each other they would just keep setting themselves off forever?” Julie and I were like “Yeah that was so annoying!” And then Shaun very lovingly pointed at the two of us and we finally understood where he was going with that! I love that boy, but I had to punch him for that one haha! I of course just had to make this image after that remark. So this one is for you Julie, my Furby friend forever and ever.


One thought on “Friends

  1. LOLOL that picture of our furby heads is SCARY! Also, I can't imagine why you didn't post more pictures of us rock-climbing on your chimney at like, midnight-ish, those must have turned out so good.

    You are the best Crystalyn – I can't wait to spend some more time with you and your cute kids in June!!

    ps. look at that picture of you and me where I'm wearing the black shirt (second one up). Doesn't it look like I kind of have a third boob? Right in the middle of my stomach. Thats funny.

    pps. We made it to Idaho!

    ppps. you are a phenomenal cook!