Author Unkown
Just a little peak into my notebook. I hope your weekend was lovely.
Just a little peak into my notebook. I hope your weekend was lovely.
Day 42 Juniper helped me with a quick spray paint job today! It was so cold we kept running back into the house to warm up our fingers in between sprays. Day 43 Today was a lovely day. We spent our time outside exploring the back yard and rolling down the hill. (I had so…
It seems like I was just writing a ten month old post, can my baby really already be eleven months old? He is growing up so fast, but I love that he still cuddles in my arms like a little baby. As much as I wish he would start sleeping through the night, I secretly…
I’ve been working on a drawing these past couple of weeks. It’s taken me a little longer than I expected. I really should have known that it would, you’d think after 11 months I’d be used to this whole ‘two kids’ thing. (Speaking of 11 months, I’ll be back later today with some cute pictures!)…
As promised, here is a quick look at some of the creative projects that have been keeping me busy. I am terrible at starting a new project before I finish the first… In fact, I never finished painting my craft room shelves. They are about 70% done. Shaun says I should leave them that way…
Things have been a little quiet around here. I can’t seem to put into words how I have been feeling lately. Well, without sounding like a crazy person anyway, so I won’t even try. So instead I’ve just been taking it easy and telling myself “tomorrow will be great”. (Not that every day isn’t great.…
A couple weeks ago I got a pretty funny request for some escape proof pajamas. My sweet little niece likes to takes her clothes off and play with her diaper, and it’s smelly contents! We like to encourage artistic expression, but needless to say, my sister was getting tired of cleaning up THAT mess. (Juniper…
Day 37 Snow day! It’s always exciting to wake up to a snowy yard. Day 38 The snow looked like it was going to melt by the end of the day, so before I left for work Juniper and I went outside and built a snowman. I’m glad we did because the snow was ALL…
I’m really not that big into Valentine’s Day. In fact, around here we aren’t that big into MOST mainstream holidays. Sure we celebrate holidays like everyone else. But our most favorite holidays are ones we made up ourselves. Because we’re cool like that. (I could definitely go for some chocolate covered strawberries though.) And besides,…
Juniper and I went through my fabric last weekend. I attempted to organize it, and she played with each piece. Some of them became princess dresses, some forts, and one became a baby that she carried around for almost an hour. (Oh my goodness have I got a funny story about that!) I, of course,…