Halloween Costumes!

Behold! Our amazing Halloween costumes! Man oh man, we had maybe a little too much fun planning and making (and wearing!) our costumes this year. It’s too bad Ganondorf had to work and didn’t get to go trick-or-treating with us. Well, actually that might have ended up being a good thing, because Flynn would most…

Gooey Monster Cookies

I had been wanting to bring some treats to some of our very cool friends, and when I saw this recipe on Pinterest I jumped all over them! How cute are they!? And they’re tasty too. I just HAD to share them with you. I’m thinking these need to be a Halloween tradition around here.…

365 Days Outside > 344-349

Day 344 Today we took a million goofy pictures for animated gifs, and collected a million leaves for art projects. (Someone keeps insisting she needs a new owl since Flynn ruined her first one.) Day 345 Today was a running-jumping-crazy-giant-ball-of-dirt kind of day. Almost every picture I took was a big blur where the kids…

{Kid’s Clothes Week} Day Five

This week has been awesome for me. I don’t get to spend as much time with my sewing machine as I would like, life is just so exhausting and by the time the kids are in bed I just want to pass out on the couch! But this week, I’ve really enjoyed spending almost every…

{Kid’s Clothing Week} Day Four

I started sewing this dress for Juniper TWO YEARS AGO when we first moved to Missouri. I accidentally made it way too big so I never finished it! And by “finish it”, I really mean, sew the button on. (I LOVE that big blue button! It matches the polka dots perfectly. See Cindy, I DO…

{Kid’s Clothes Week} Day Three

I officially have the coolest kids ever! I have been meaning to sew Juniper a Zelda dress for MONTHS (ever since Flynn’s birthday) and I’m so glad I finally got to it! Halloween makes a GREAT excuse to sew dress up clothes. Now Link and Zelda can both ‘feet Gannon’ in style. (I love how…

{Kid’s Clothes Week} Day Two

I made these pants for Juniper the other night. I almost didn’t even post them today because, well, they suck. But the story that goes with them is pretty entertaining, so here they are! The first time Juniper tried them on, she told me they were too tight. So I loosened them. “Still too tight.”…

{Kid’s Clothes Week} Day 1

It is cold outside!! Trying to get Juniper and Flynn dressed to play outside has been a little annoying lately, because I can never find their warm clothes. Oma bought them some long pants and shirts last week so it’s been a little easier, but they still need a few basics. So I’m using Kid’s…

My Dream Job

I am going to preface this post with a little disclaimer: I absolutely love my job. I have been incredibly blessed and am so grateful that I’m able to make a living doing something I enjoy. With that said, I got to thinking the other night about my “dream job”. You know, what would I…

To Make You Smile

I had a kind of cruddy night last night. Mentally speaking that is. It was actually quite a nice evening, which always makes the random bummer mood for no reason extra annoying. But today is a new day, and these silly pictures from yesterday’s outside adventure put a smile on my face. If you are…