
{Outdoor Classroom} Mud Painting

This week’s book was Monkey See Monkey Draw by Alex Beard. The story is about a bunch of monkeys who learn how to paint with mud and how to play together without arguing and competing. The illustrations are cute, Juniper really liked the elephant character. Now, there was really only one thing that we could…


365 Day Outside > 202-208

Day 202 Today we harvested the absolute biggest zucchini ever. That thing was enormous! And heavy. We ate stuffed zucchini for dinner, which was super yummy. Day 203 For the first time in a long time, it wasn’t a million degrees outside this evening. So we enjoyed the nice weather by doing some much needed…


Ten Easy Outside Activities

It’s no secret that we love going outside. But I can remember a day, not so long ago, that it wasn’t that important to us. Sure, we got out of the house from time to time. But it always seemed like such a hassle. Like something that needed to be planned and prepared for. Where…


365 Days Outside > 188-194

Day 188 Today we blew giant bubbles in the back yard and afterwards the kids played in a giant bowl of bubble soap! I think they had more fun splashing around than blowing bubbles. Day 189 We went for a family bike ride today. We decided to bike down to the trail instead of drive.…


365 Days Outside > 181-187

Day 181 Daddy took the kids for a bike ride to the park today so I could finish reading The Maze Runner. Flynn always gets so excited when we take out the bike trailer. Day 182 Today we started cleaning out the area below our deck. Our plan is to put in a sand pit,…


Nature Made Musical Instruments

I feel like I’ve made a breakthrough with our Go Outside challenge. For a while there it felt like things weren’t as exciting, like the whole project had lost it’s wonder. But last week I found a few websites that are amazing resources. (I’ll share some of them soon!) One website in particular that caught…


365 Days Outside > 179-180

Day 176 Watering the garden today quickly turned into a splash party. Both kids ended up getting soaked, and our watermelons got a good amount of water as well. We even harvested something! A single zucchini. Day 177 Juniper made up a game called “Pingbang” today. Basically, you throw the ball into the bucket. Simple.…